Saturday, May 22, 2010

Testosterone : The Hormone

Men and women of all vertebrate species production
Testosterone. The current number of male body
significantly higher than the current body of the woman.
Testosterone has many biological effects in the body,
Also, a growing number of red blood cells
Muscle cells and the early development of man
Bodies. He is also responsible for the preparation of the second
On male sexual characteristics, such as the rise of the body
And Bart, increased deep voice, and sexuality
Thirst. Some of the less desirable effects include increased lubrication
Skin and acne.
Testosterone production in men to increase general
Children and reached its peak in adolescence or
More than twenty years. This reduces the other
% U2019 of human life. Testosterone shot or extreme
Levels of illness or injury, hypothalamic
Pituitary gland or testicles, it can lead to a pathological condition
such as hypogonadism.
The treatment of hypogonadism in the form of testosterone
an injection, pill, patch, gel, and the skin is available
Extent. Some people use these devices try again
People are starting to fall normally grow
elderly. Many people believe that Brown, as com-SE, the
Testosterone is a type of% u2018% u2019% u2019% of drugs are u2018miracle
again lost youth. Sometimes it is advisable
also used to treat various health problems, including
Infertility, impotence, lack of libido, osteoporosis,
poor growth, anemia and anorexia. Testosterone
It can be helpful in the treatment
Since 1950, athletes used testosterone
Derivatives and related compounds, to improve the per-
Performance. The growth of bone and muscle specific substance u2019s%
great work to significantly increase their strength and
Resistance. Testosterone is widely
Athletes of the Soviet Union in 1950, less than
to acquire the nation% u2019s efforts to create a dominant position in the world of sport.
Performance problem with testosterone
Medicine is to increase the unwanted side effects. Usually
Decline in the growth of prostate u2019s% male
while their nuclei. It can also cause mood
That the feelings of the dangerously aggressive to understand.
Because of these side effects, researchers have developed
Compounds that produce the same effects as produced by
u2019s natural testosterone, but not affect% of the damage
Side effect. Some of these devices at birth
Testosterone production in the body after administration.
Others are of testosterone, compounds, derived Simi-
LAR chemical structures, but small changes to reduce
Effects. These compounds are derivatives such as dihydro-
Testosterone, androstenedione, dehydration (known as Andro)
droepiandrosterone nandrolone (DHEA) and Clostebol. TODAY
Most derivatives of testosterone and testosterone
Compounds are prohibited in sport and
their side effects and an unfair advantage "
the benefit for the athletes who use them .supply